Maya Shader Patterns Animation
Open Shading Language (OSL)
"Colorful Stree"
November 19th, 2015
Project Overview
This is a project from class VSFX 502 - Programming 3-D Models and Shaders. This page displays the results of patterns and shaders created using OSL - RIB and it's application using TCL and Maya.
Final Render Image

Patterns Animation
Video of Process
Pattern Break Down 1
In this pattern, I used a coordinate system named "yuan" to make the center point.

Source code for this pattern --->

coordinate system

User Interface
Pattern Break Down 2
In this pattern, I used color by distance. And change the distance when I key frames.

Source code for this pattern --->

Pattern Obeject

User Interface
Pattern Break Down 3
In this pattern, I used a prim-var to let the words have random color from green to yellow. And I used the checker pattern for the background animation

Source code for this pattern --->

Pattern Obeject

User Interface
Pattern Break Down 4
In this pattern, I used a displacement and let the "disp" to control the height of the displacement

Source code for thes patterns --->

Pattern Obeject

User Interface
Pattern Break Down 5
In this pattern, I used a plane to control those spheres' color.

Source code for thes patterns --->

Control plane and User Interface

Pattern Spheres
This is a very useful class! It is my first time to learn the most popular render engine - RenderMan.
And I also learned how to write a pattern using OSL and the importance of rib file. I'm trying to improve my shader writing skills at the moment. And I love RenderMan and I will learn more knowledge for RenderMan!